This Farming Life, the documentary series that follows the lives of farmers in rural Scotland through the four seasons of a year has been commissioned for two new series from BBC Studios.
Over the past six series’ This Farming Life has attracted a hugely loyal audience , as viewers follow the triumphs and tribulations of a five very different farming families, from a range of farming communities set in the beautiful Scottish countryside.
Series six is currently broadcasting on BBC Scotland and BBC Two and the previous series, which is available on BBC iPlayer, attracted a consolidated audience of over 3 million viewers.
Alan Holland, Head of BBC Studios, Specialist Factual Productions said: ‘ We are absolutely delighted that This Farming Life has been greenlit for two more series...
"Audiences really relate to the very human, universal stories that are depicted throughout, and there is no greater setting that the stunning Scottish landscape. This is important series for the documentary community in Scotland and will allow us to continue to deliver training opportunities from our base in Glasgow.’
Louise Thornton, Head of Commissioning for BBC Scotland added: “This Farming Life performs really well with our audiences in Scotland but also across the UK and we’re delighted to invest in it for another two series...
"By working with our colleagues at BBC Factual we are able to bring more content from Scotland to audiences across the UK to better reflect, represent and serve all parts of the country.”
This Farming Life is 12 x 60 a co-commission from BBC Scotland and BBC Factual for BBC Two and iPlayer and is produced by BBC Studios, Specialist Factual Productions.