ITV has announced the launch of Unwind with ITV, which replaces ITV Nightscreen, a daily series of calming and reflective programming encouraging mindfulness and self-care. It will also gently direct people to sources of mental health support and information.
Produced by Rock Oyster Media for broadcast on ITV, ITV2, ITV3, ITV4, STV and ITV Hub, Unwind with ITV represents what is believed to be a world first, offering viewers a new episode of mindfulness content 365 days a year.
Over the next 12 months the series will feature calming scenes from Plymouth-based Rock Oyster’s surroundings, from natural landscapes to urban settings and shots of local craft and agriculture.
The programme will also feature ASMR-inspired animations, tips and tricks from members of the public on how they like to relax, and readings of poetry and prose. Each will immerse the viewer in a space that will promote relaxation and reflection.
Adam Mitchell, Head of ITV Programme Strategy Communication said: “Across our schedules we strive to reflect the lives of our viewers, and through our partnership with CALM we recognised that for many people, and for many different reasons, the middle of the night can be a lonely and often stressful time...
"That's why we've commissioned Unwind with ITV to run every night of the year - to provide an accessible and peaceful space for anybody to take a moment to relax and escape."
Unwind With ITV replaces the ITV Nightscreen.