A spin-off from the award-winning Scot Squad series, The Chief is a scripted sitcom (4x30). A deep dive into the daily duties of Chief Commissioner Cameron Miekelson (played by Jack Docherty) from the Scottish Police Force.
This four-part sitcom sees The Chief at work and at home dealing with colleagues, bams and family alike. As Miekelson wrestles with contemporary dilemmas and navigates workplace politics, he must do his best to remain relevant in an ever-changing world.
The Chief features a cast of regular co-workers and confidantes as well as his daughter, Ellen. Filming begins later this year with further casting to be announced soon.
Stevens & McCarthy is produced by Marie McDonald, directed by Meg Campbell and Script Edited by Louise Stewart while The Chief is produced by Rab Christie and directed by Iain Davidson. Both comedy series are Executive Produced by BBC Scotland’s Commissioning Executive, Gavin Smith.
Jack Docherty is looking forward to reprising his role as the inimitable Chief Miekelson: “I’m delighted that The People’s Chief is back in a brand new sitcom. We find him still clinging to his job as the top dog, the big man, the numero uno in a modern, progressive Scottish Police Force...
"He’s desperate to prove that he’s still relevant in the world of office politics, culture wars, family and fatherhood. I love playing this character and can’t wait to unleash him once again on the great Scottish public.”
More details will be announced in due course.