The Secret World Of Children | Preview (Channel 5)
In today’s world, kids are given far less freedom and independence than in previous generations.

In this provocative, surprising and entertaining two-part series, we take a diverse range of nine and ten-year-olds, all from different walks of life, and give them their first taste of adult life.
Grouped in three, and with their parents watching apprehensively from a secret location, we see how the children react to their newly found independence in the big bad world.
Across each episode, the children are placed in challenging scenarios that test their common sense, their ability to think for themselves, recognise danger and act independently, while their parents watch on, in both shock and delight.
In episode one, two sets of children are let loose and given their first adult role of the day: the working world of a market. Maxwell, Osa and Lily start by helping out at a sweet stall, where war breaks out between two of the children regarding each other’s slow service.
Meanwhile, Harrison, Ben and Alexis help out on a fruit and veg stall, where they are blind-sided by a customer (an undercover actress) who tries the produce before she buys.

After their working day, it’s off to a clothes shop to buy some ‘posh’ outfits for dinner at a smart restaurant. While Maxwell and Osa manage to find themselves outfits, Lily, who has a unique fashion sense, struggles alone, bringing her mum to tears.
Once the outfits are secured, the children are ready to arrive at their restaurants. Dining in a French restaurant, Harrison and Alexis bravely face an amuse bouche of l’escargot, but Ben sternly refuses to eat a snail. The children are about to finish up when a deliberately inflated bill appears on their table… Desperate, and just about to ask other customers for some money, observant Ben saves the day by spotting items on the bill they didn’t order.
Meanwhile Maxwell, Lily and Osa dine in a tapas restaurant where they order a variety of plates to share, including, much to the surprise of their parents, a squid dish.
Cue in lots of horrified reactions from the kids when it arrives, but they all bravely try it – even if it does make Maxwell gag. When the dessert comes, the kids must navigate a tricky situation: three children, two ice creams and one plate of strong cheese.
Secret World Of Kids begins Sunday 18th August at 7pm on Channel 5.