TV Zone are running a series of polls to find out which is your favourite Doctor Who story since the show returned in 2005. Voting is entirely done via our website, and live results will not be visible before or after voting.

The episode/story with the most votes from each series will progress to the quarter finals.
Your vote will be counted as soon as you've selected your first option. Subsequent clicks for other episodes will not count.
Which of the following is your favourite story from Series 5?
E1 - The Eleventh Hour
E2 - The Beast Below
E3 - Victory Of The Daleks
E4&5 - The Time Of The Angels/Flesh And Stone
Which of the following is your favourite story from Series 6?
E1&2 - The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon
E3 - The Curse Of The Black Spot
E4 - The Doctor's Wife
E5&6 - The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Which of the following is your favourite story from Series 7?
E1 - Asylum Of The Daleks
E2 - Dinosaurs On A Spaceship
E3 - A Town Called Mercy
E4 - The Power Of Three
The results from this poll will be revealed when voting opens on the Quarter Finals on Sunday 17th July. Christmas and other specials will be voted on separately.
Voting on the 'Capaldi Era' - Series 8, 9 & 10 - opens 00:01am on Thursday 14th July.