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Rising British talent lead the line-up for ITV’s provocative teen drama Tell Me Everything, from Noho Film & Television

Newcomers Eden H. Davies, Lauryn Ajufo, Spike Fearn and Callina Liang will lead the line-up as 16-year-old friends Jonny, Louis, Neve and Mei in provocative and funny coming of age teen drama, Tell Me Everything.

Also joining the cast are Tessa Lucille and Carla Woodcock (Ackley Bridge) as new college friends Regan and Zia.

Tell Me Everything introduces us to 16-year-old Jonny Murphy (Davies), who is trying his best to navigate through this world. Growing up hasn’t been easy, and although loved by his friends and family, Jonny suffers from undiagnosed depression and anxiety which he does his best to hide.

So when he is faced with the most gut-wrenching tragedy, Jonny has to decide – is he going to let events overtake him or is he going to learn how to live?

His oldest friends, Louis (Fearn) and Neve (Ajufo), are battling their own issues and emotional struggles, yet continue to be there for Jonny. So they are right to be suspicious of Mei (Liang) when she comes into his life.

She seems to understand Jonny, but increasingly appears to be a dangerous influence on him. Meanwhile, new college mates, Regan (Lucille) and Zia (Woodcock), initially appear cool and care-free, but as Jonny, Neve and Louis get to know them, it soon becomes clear that everyone is fighting their own personal battles.

Executive Producers Robert Wulff-Cochrane and Camilla Campbell on behalf of Noho Film & Television: “We are absolutely thrilled with this brilliant cast of rising stars – a group of young actors who show more talent and flair, gravitas and humour, than we dared wish for.”

Commented ITV’s Head of Digital Channels and Acquisitions, Paul Mortimer:

"ITV2 is delighted to be back in the original drama game with this wonderfully conceived series aimed squarely at teens but with broader appeal, no doubt...

"An honest portrayal of teenage suburban life, it should resonate strongly with today's young audience whose taste has become more sophisticated, and appetite for quality storytelling never been greater."

Eden H Davies is Jonny

How does it feel to be part of a brand-new ITV drama?

Surreal. I can’t even let myself think about that. It’s just about creating a piece that I’m proud of and I am very proud to be a part of this. Everyone is so talented and hardworking, and the environment was brilliant.

Callina Liang is Mei

Why do you think TME is an important drama for now?

It’s a very real depiction of teenagers growing up in the 2020s. I think it is going to be a very fun show to watch. And for parents it is a case of this is what they are going through. How to protect their children? Maybe for younger kids watching the show they can realise that they are not the only ones feeling this way.

They are not the only ones feeling lonely. They are not the only ones going through mental health issues, loss of a parent. All the different problems this show tackles. They are very real issues that we all went through. I hope that it will be a show that is very relatable for them.

Lauryn Ajufo is Neve

What are you most proud of with TME?

The rawness of it. The stories we are telling with identity crisis and sexuality and mental health. I think all of that is so important. When this comes out there is a story for everyone, which isn’t always the case. But with this show I think that is what we’ve done.

Spike Fearn is Louis

Why do you think people should watch Tell Me Everything?

It’s raw. It’s very real. It tells what life really is like growing up and going to college. The whole social media thing is great as well. As well as being funny it’s got drama in there. It makes you feel happy. It makes you feel sad. It’s everything a series should have. It’s great TV.

Carla Woodcock is Zia

Why do you think TME is an important show for now?

Being a young person can be hard. When you become an adult you have to get a job, pay bills and deal with all the boring adult stuff so you forget how hard being a teenager actually was. It’s really important to have shows like TME to honestly show what teenage life is like and what we all go through when we’re growing up.

It’s important to see yourself represented onscreen and know we aren’t alone with what we go through . I think it’s important for adults to watch the show as well, especially parents to see what their child could be going through and how they can help.

Tessa Lucille is Regan

What do you hope viewers take away from Tell Me Everything?

I hope that people take away from it the value of good friendships. There’s a lot of really lovely friendships in the show and it’s important to know that even though you can be going through your own stuff you can have good friends and they will be there for you and support you through it. You get that proven to you constantly in the show. It’s ok to just chat to your friends.

Tell Me Everything will air later this year on ITV2 and ITVX.


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