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The Dog House | Series 3 Preview (Channel 4)

The Dog House is back at Wood Green, The Animals Charity, as the team matchmake their abandoned dogs with hopeful new owners. The aim is for nothing less than love at first sight, but things don't always go that smoothly.

This time, it's a double date as Londoners Roshni and Jay meet two very different dogs - Bella the confident, playful Staffie, and Cech the shy but cuddly terrier. Bella seems to warm to Jay, but it's Roshni who has the final say.

Olivia the blind spaniel is also looking for a home, and funeral workers Amy and Alex want to rescue a dog in need. It might be the perfect match, if they can get over their worries that Olivia won't like them.

And Vinnie the Staffie has become a bit too devoted to his handler. Has he got room in his heart for true love to blossom with florist Jess?

The whole of Series 3 of The Dog House will be available on All 4 to stream or download straight after broadcast of episode one on Thursday 6th January.


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