I Can See Your Voice sees two players aiming to win a cash prize by guessing who can and can’t sing from a group of mystery singers standing before them. But there’s a catch… can they predict who has the voice of an angel or who will leave them covering their ears in horror all without ever hearing them sing a note?

A source told The Mail: "Due to the incredible ratings success of I Can See Your Voice, which has brought some much needed fun and laughter to Saturday night prime-time television, the show has already been recommissioned for a second series...
They continued: "Amanda and Alison’s genuine on-air chemistry has proved to be a ratings winner with the [latest episode] peaking at 5.1 million. It’s a runaway success!"
The show sees the singing sensations and musical masqureaders navigate through a round of lip sync challenges, offering entertaining hidden clues to the celebrity panel who will help the players whittle down the group until there’s only one singer left.
The chosen one will then perform a duet with the popstar to reveal whether they can or can’t sing. If the players have picked a good singer then they will take the prize… but if a bad singer is revealed, the imposter will pocket the cash.
The BBC have made no comment.