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In another shock twist in the investigation into the disappearance of Lauren Bolton, Bethany’s evil abuser Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) is to be seen lurking in Weatherfield again.

It’s Bethany (Lucy Fallon) who first spots him at the reconstruction of Lauren’s last known movements and her mind is thrown into overdrive.

Having initially thought Nathan was behind bars, she discovers he was released from prison some time ago and is working on a building site nearby. Knowing his history, and his appetite for young girls, Bethany soon hits on the idea that Nathan could be behind Lauren’s suspected murder.

As Bethany throws all her eggs into Nathan’s basket she’s forced to confront her abuser once more as she determines to bring Lauren’s attacker to justice.

But has she got the right man? With Roy behind bars awaiting trial for murder and Nathan keen to make out he’s a changed character since his time in prison, is the real predator still at large? Or has Nathan, the master manipulator, returned to his old ways?

On being asked to return to the show, Chris Harper said: “I was emotional when I was told about Nathan's potential return. During the 18 months he was in it before, hundreds of people shared with me how the storyline reflected something they, or someone they loved, had lived through. It remains important to keep them in mind as we continue Bethany's story.”

“Once again, I am grateful for the ongoing support of Barnardo's, NSPCC, S.H.E.UK, and all the people who trusted me last time. We have another chance to raise an issue that affects so many lives, so often shrouded in shame.” 

On the character of Nathan, Chris revealed: “I do love playing Nathan though. He is funny, deceitful, slippery, manipulative and ruthless. Now he is also under a lot of pressure too. This new storyline is absolutely full of twists.”

“It really is good to be back on the hallowed cobbles. So much has happened since we saw Nathan sent to prison, but Coronation Street is a constant. I feel like the cast, crew and the whole team are old friends.”

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1.


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