There’s a revolution going on in contraception. The pill was a game changer but now, over 60 years after it was introduced, women are turning their backs on putting synthetic hormones into their bodies.
Oral contraception use has more than halved, while natural family planning methods have nearly tripled in the last 10 years. On social media, women are speaking out about side effects they’ve put up with for years and saying enough is enough.
Following her hugely successful documentaries on the menopause, Davina McCall is now turning her attention to the state of contraception in the UK and the struggle women face to access it. Concerned about the contraception choices that are available to her daughters and their friends, Davina investigates what is really happening.
She reveals the results of a Channel 4 survey, which asked over 4,000 people about the effects of contraception on their mental and physical health, and how easy it is to find the right information and solutions.
She investigates the myths and misconceptions that surround contraception and asks - are we doing enough to give women the care they need?
Ian Katz said, “This is a slate of programmes that shows Channel 4 is as disruptive, original and purposeful as it has ever been. From holding politicians to account over partygate to examining the vexed debate over gender identity, from exposing the unspoken side-effects of the pill to seeking solutions to avert climate disaster, these are shows that speak to the concerns of young British viewers and create real world impact.”
More details will be announced in due course.