Blue Lights, the police drama created and written by Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson, is set to return for a second series on BBC One, TV Zone understands. This has not been confirmed by the BBC, who declined to comment when approached by TV Zone.
Blue Lights follows three rookie police officers working in Belfast, a uniquely dangerous place to be a police officer. Siân Brooke, Martin McCann, Richard Dormer, Katherine Devlin and newcomer Nathan Braniff lead the cast alongside John Lynch, Jonathan Harden and Valene Kane.
In the first series, which is currently airing on Monday nights on BBC One, follows Grace (Siân Brooke), a mother of a teenage boy, has made the decision in her 40’s to leave her steady job as a social worker to join the Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Having previously worked in social care she straddles a fine line between the personal and professional. It’s the biggest gamble of her life, and just a few weeks into the job, she’s making so many mistakes that her decision no longer looks like a winning bet.
Her fellow rookies are Annie (Katherine Devlin), who struggles with the fact that her chosen path may mean having to leave everything she’s ever known behind, and Tommy (Nathan Braniff), who is desperate to prove himself, despite being disastrously inept at the practical side of frontline response policing.
All three are new police officers in their probation period with the PSNI, the odds are at least one of them isn’t going to last. The pressure is immense, but if they succumb to it, they won’t survive. Often the rookie officers don’t know the extent of the peril they are in, or who they can trust.
Details on the second series will be revealed in due course. Watch the first series now on BBC iPlayer.