Commissioned by the BBC for December 2023, the animated box set of hand-picked specials is based on six iconic best-selling books (Zagazoo, Loveykins, Jack And Nancy, Snuff, Angel Pavement and Mrs Armitage On Wheels) from one of Britain’s most illustrious and well-loved authors, Sir Quentin Blake.
Adrian Lester (Hustle, Primary Colors, The Day After Tomorrow) will narrate the series. Alison Steadman (Life Is Sweet, Secrets And Lies, Gavin And Stacey) will star as the voice of the indomitable Mrs Armitage.
Whilst Simon Pegg (Mission Impossible, Hot Fuzz, Shaun Of The Dead) will voice lead roles in Zagazoo, Snuff and Angel Pavement and Nina Sosanya (Teachers, W1A, Killing Eve) will bring Angela Bowling to life in Loveykins.
Quentin Blake’s Box Of Treasures is a unique collection of six animated stories from the world-famous illustrator and master storyteller.
An international bestseller for seven decades, 89-year-old Quentin Blake has written or illustrated over 500 books and his memorable works are loved across the world for their unique illustrations and joyful, captivating stories.
From Jack and Nancy’s exhilarating island adventure to Zagazoo’s hilariously off-beat antics, Loveykins’ extraordinary transformation to the zany inventions of Mrs Armitage, these beautifully crafted and engaging stories of fun, friendship and adventure will deliver family entertainment at its very best and provide an exclusive treat for audiences.
Patricia Hidalgo, Director BBC Children’s and Education, says: “When it comes to storytelling for children, the UK has a rich heritage and history of creativity and Quentin Blake is known around the world for his unique talent...
"His imagination has brought magic to the lives of so many people, both young and old and it is an absolute privilege to be involved in this project. We’re delighted to be working with such a phenomenal, diverse cast of actors that will bring these beautiful characters to life for family audiences to enjoy on the BBC.”
Eagle Eye Drama’s Creative Director Massimo Fenati adds: ‘’This is a dream project for us and being able to work with such amazing talent will certainly enhance the performance of our animated characters. We can’t wait to see them leap from the pages of Quentin Blake’s famous books onto our screens.’’
The series will be directed by Gerrit Bekers under the supervision of Eagle Eye’s Creative Director for Animation Massimo Fenati and produced by Executive Producer Tess Cuming along with Creative Conspiracy’s Luc Van Driessche with Eagle Eye Drama’s Jo McGrath and Walter Iuzzolino overseeing the project.
Created with traditional hand-drawn animation techniques to capture the timeless nature of Quentin Blake’s stories, Quentin Blake’s Box Of Treasures will add to BBC’s long-established tradition of animated specials.
Quentin Blake’s Box Of Treasures will be distributed internationally by Aardman Animations.