Britain’s Greatest Obsessions will see a host of top celebrities explore uniquely British preoccupations and passions in an attempt to find out what makes the British tick.
Each episode sees one celebrity guest presenter undertake a journey through British culture and history, to find out how and why these particular subjects have become so embedded in our collective psyche and national identity.
The stories behind each yield hitherto unknown facts from the past, as well as fascinating, funny and sometimes poignant revelations about who we are and how much, or how little, we have in common.
Featured in the series will be Harry Hill, getting under the skin of the famed British sense of humour; Chris Packham, talking about the British love of pets; Liza Tarbuck will guide us through our national obsession with all things weather-related...
Madness frontman Suggs will be our expert guide to Britain’s pastime of drinking and fondness for pubs; American comedian Reginald D Hunter will peel away the thin veneer that disguises Britain’s enduring class system and the part played within it by the Royal Family...
Plus Lorraine Kelly will explain our continual harking back to Winston Churchill and the part played by Britain in the Allied victory in World War II.
Britain's Greatest Obsessions With Harry Hill begins Monday 12th September at 9pm on Sky History.