Jamali Maddix: Follow The Leader | Preview (U&Dave)
Over four episodes, comedian and documentary maker Jamali Maddix spends time with leaders and key figures in growing communities on the fringes of the mainstream to find out just why they inspire such devotion among their followers.

Jamali Maddix: Follow The Leader investigates religious cults, political movements, underground radicals and ostracised groups to try and make sense of how our post-pandemic world has splintered and been reframed.
In the first episode, Jamali Maddix is on a mission to find out what’s driving people to join extreme subcultures and communities, and what their leaders promise. In this episode he travels across America to spend time with some of the country’s most prolific vigilante paedophile hunters, both at home and on the road.
Jamali said: "I've always been fascinated by cults and sub-cultures - people that choose to live as 'other'. Comedians are typically outsiders and I've made a career from observing people's behaviour and nuances from this perspective. With this show I want to explore the more extreme worlds people choose to live in and discover who they are and crucially WHY they do what they do."

Jamali Maddix: Follow The Leader begins Tuesday 17th September at 10pm on U&Dave.