Ofcom have approved the request from Channel 5 for schedule changes to Channel 5 News.

The changes will see Channel 5 News broadcast for one hour from 5pm on weekdays, instead of the two half hour bulletins currently at 5pm and 6:30pm. The changes also make room for new daytime output, including a new series of Eggheads which begins on Monday 4th October at 6:30pm.
When applying to Ofcom earlier in the year, Channel 5 said: "During the pandemic, news has played a vital service for audiences and as viewing habits evolve 5 News is keen to appeal to our viewers through a new offer that we believe also has benefits for the wider public-service broadcasting system...
"Accordingly, it is our request that Channel 5 has its obligation for a news programme “in the midevening” removed and its ‘Peak Time’ obligation reduce from 120 hours to 20 hours accordingly. It is our intention to continue to broadcast the headlines in Peak Time (currently 1955 and 2055) to fulfil our revised Peak Time obligation...
"Our commitment to a minimum of 280 hours should remain as Channel 5 does not wish to alter the overall amount of news broadcast on its service."
The impact on Neighbours and Home And Away schedules are not yet known. More information to follow.