Iconic game show Wheel of Fortune will return to ITV1 and ITVX in 2024, as contestants once again spin to win. Based on the successful global brand, the show will be hosted by BAFTA award winner Graham Norton. It follows a pilot recorded with Alison Hammond in 2020.
Returning for an 8 x 60 run, which includes two celebrity specials, the epic game show will once again be centred around a giant carnival wheel as the contestants spin to win for a life changing cash prize.
In this thrilling game of skill and luck, the turn of the wheel secures a cash value before they pick a letter to help them solve the puzzle. For every correct letter they reveal in the puzzle they win multiples of that amount. The pressure is on as they could lose everything at a spin of a wheel which contains ‘bankrupts’ and ‘lose a turn’ and the contestants' entire winnings could be wiped out.
In addition to cash, they can also win some impressive prizes which are added to their cash pot to help them reach the bonus round. Everything is up for grabs but only one lucky contestant will get the chance to add big money to their cash pot and see if they can take it home.
Graham Norton: “I’m beyond excited to be bringing such an iconic American show to a new British audience. My first ever TV job was a game show on ITV so this feels like coming full circle. You might even call it a wheel!”
Katie Rawcliffe, Head of Entertainment Commissioning, ITV said: “We are thrilled to have the much loved Graham Norton bringing this iconic game show to our viewers. Anything can happen on the spin of a wheel, it is going to be so much fun.”
Sunil Patel, Whisper CEO, said: “We’re thrilled to be bringing such a well-known and globally loved show to ITV primetime, and of course, to be working with the incredible Graham Norton, who we know will bring the show alive for contestants and audiences alike.”
Wheel of Fortune is a Whisper North production for ITV1 and ITVX.
Graham Norton image: SO Television LTD