Lewis Capaldi: How I'm Feeling Now | Preview (Netflix)
In one of the most vulnerable and authentic documentaries ever, we find Lewis Capaldi at a pivotal moment in his career.

Take a look into his personal life and defining year, his struggle to balance the familiarity of home, normality, and all he’s ever known with life as one of the biggest stars on the planet, gleaning an intimate portrait of his unique character, hopes and fears in his own words.
Lewis said: " The film is called ‘How I’m Feeling Now’ and it’s named after a song I wrote which is out now. It’s the last song I wrote for my upcoming album and it's a tune that’s all about something I’ve never really written about in my music before which is my mental health...
"Obviously I completely recognise how lucky I am to have the life I do and I know there are people in much worse positions than I am out there but as much as the last 5 years have been the best of my life, I would be lying if I said it all hasn’t taken its toll mentally and honestly, there have been some extremely low points and that’s what this song is about...
"I know the last few years have been and continue to be difficult for everyone so hopefully you relate to the tune in some way and it might be nice to hear there’s someone else in a similar boat as you, I know it would for me. "
Lewis Capaldi: How I'm Feeling Now lands 5th April in Netflix.