DOCTOR WHO COUNTDOWN #19 - The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang
TV Zone counts down the top-60 Doctor Who episodes since its revival in 2005, to mark the 60th Anniversary of the hit BBC sci-fi series this November. The ranking is based on TV Zone's Doctor Who World Cup which was polled in 2022.

Episode Details
Full title: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang
Series: 5
Episode number: 12 & 13
Original air date: 19th June, 26th June 2010
Writer: Steven Moffat
The Doctor confronts an army of old enemies, and Amy battles a Cyberman. And then the Pandorica opens...
The Stone Dalek closes in on the Doctor, and reality's last hope is a little girl who still believes in stars.
Ranking so far
60. Spyfall (Parts 1 & 2)
59. Listen
58. A Christmas Carol
57. Into The Dalek
56. Nikola Tesla's Night Of Terror
55. The Doctor's Wife
54. The Witchfinders
53. Mummy On The Orient Express
52. Vampires Of Venice
51. The Christmas Invasion
50. The Zygon Invasion/ The Zygon Inversion
49. The Rings Of Akhaten
48. Fugitive Of The Judoon
47. The Timeless Children
46. It Takes You Away
45. The Impossible Astronaut/ Day Of The Moon
44. The Runaway Bride
43. Midnight
42. Village Of The Angels
41. Angels Take Manhattan
40. Father's Day
39. Eve Of The Daleks
38. The Sontaran Stratagem/ The Poison Sky
37. Time Of Angels/ Flesh And Stone
36. Deep Breath
35. Demons Of The Pubjab
34. The Unicorn And The Wasp
33. Rise Of The Cybermen/ Age Of Steel
32. The End Of Time
31. Face The Raven
30. The Haunting Of Villa Diodati
29. The Time Of The Doctor
28. The Girl Who Waited
27. Bad Wolf/ Parting Of The Ways
26. Amy's Choice
25. Heaven Sent
24. The Girl In The Fireplace
23. Utopia/ The Sound Of Drums/ Last Of The Timelords
22. Turn Left
21. Partners In Crime
20. The Fires Of Pompeii
19. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang
Doctor Who is available now on BBC iPlayer.