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Denise is recovering from a shoulder injury.

Taking to Instagram, Denise revealed: "GUTTED! If you’ve been watching @dancingonice you will be aware that just over a week ago I had a nasty fall and injured my shoulder. I managed to skate my first dance with @themattevers on the live show through a gritted smile because the pain was unbearable.

I’ve tried as hard as I can to carry on because I love the show and the amazing team in front and behind the cameras. Initially we thought with rest I could make a return to the ice, but a recent MRI scan has shown that I have 3 bone fractures as well as a partial dislocation. OUCH! No wonder I’ve been in agony.

I won’t be able to do any lifts,tricks or solo skating on the show due to my injury. I’m going to bail out gracefully with my DOI bling sling. @themattevers has been the most incredible support and skate partner (a true friend) and I’m so grateful for his expertise in teaching me (ice virgin😂⛸) the basics. I just wish I was well enough to learn all the fabulous tricks my injury won’t allow me to do.

Chair dancing on Ice with a massive pie won’t get us points on the leaderboard 😂. I’m actually proud of what I’ve achieved ( not much, lowest scores so far 😂) . If you don’t mind I’m going to give myself a couple of points for bravery for doing cartwheels on Ice at 46 with broken bones 👍🏻😂❄️."


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