Coronation Street’s Roy Cropper cuts a lonely isolated figure as he sits confused and saddened in the eerie darkness of his beloved cafe.

Roy, played by David Neilson, finds himself under suspicion of being involved in the disappearance and possible murder of former employee Lauren Bolton.
This week he is taken in for questioning by the police. When news of his arrest hits the internet he finds himself a virtual prisoner in his own home, as social media sleuths and vigilantes become intrigued by the case and the local cafe owner’s alleged involvement.
His decision to attend a vigil for the missing teenager results in Roy being heckled by a baying mob who are filming them on his phone, and Roy’s nearest and dearest beg him to keep a low profile.
Even in Roys Rolls he is not safe from the accusations, he finds himself locked in the cafe with two thugs demanding to know what he has done with Lauren.
This beautifully atmospheric photograph shot by ITV photographer Danielle Baguely perfectly captures Roy’s feelings of despair and confusion whilst he struggles to come to terms with a situation that he doesn't understand.
Danielle has also shot a stunning portrait of David the actor, out of character relaxing in between scenes.
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1.