This BBC Three film, by first-time director Danielle Spears, tells the story of Fri Martin and Kyle Farrell, a young couple from Toxteth in Liverpool, whose relationship came to an abrupt end when Fri stabbed and killed Kyle in November 2014.
Fri, 21 years old at the time and the mother of two small children, claimed she was acting in self-defence and that Kyle had attempted to strangle her before she picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the heart. However, after less than two hours of deliberation, a jury unanimously convicted Fri of murder and she was sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum term of 13 years.
Now, more than six years on, Fri is appealing her conviction on the basis of fresh evidence pointing to abuse within the couple’s relationship, and the impact it could have had on Fri’s mental state at the time of the killing.
With privileged access to family and friends of Fri and Kyle, this intimate film follows them in the tense run up to the appeal and beyond. The stakes are high: Kyle’s family is convinced Fri is guilty of murder and want her to stay behind bars, while Fri’s family are desperately fighting for her freedom, believing she had no intention of killing Kyle.
Charting this remarkable case as it unfolds from the inside, this multi-perspective film explores what really went on in Fri and Kyle’s relationship through those that knew them best.